iPhoneography 5

It’s been awhile. I last left this blog with happy images of family and friends, marriages and photos of our travels. However summer did not end on a good note. A death in the family really shook up everything, and plans had to be rearranged. While my husband attended his youngest brother’s wedding in Bellingham, I flew across the country to attend a funeral in Montreal on the very same day. It was an extremely hard time for my family. Especially my mother who was trying to deal with the tragic and sudden loss of her older sister. My favorite auntie was in a terrible accident that should not have happened, but did.

Time will heal wounds and memories will never be forgotten. I am lucky to have had my auntie in my life. She was the best. May you rest in peace, Mak Om. I love you dearly.

Some iPhone photos while I play catch up.

FoundandTreasured.com: iPhoneography
FoundandTreasured.com: iPhoneography
FoundandTreasured.com: iPhoneography
FoundandTreasured.com: iPhoneography
FoundandTreasured.com: iPhoneography
FoundandTreasured.com: iPhoneography
FoundandTreasured.com: iPhoneography
FoundandTreasured.com: iPhoneography
FoundandTreasured.com: iPhoneography